3 Tips I Use To Win at Online Poker

How do you win at online poker? It's the million dollar question that's the Holy Grail for serious poker players. Winning at poker actually isn't that difficult, provided you stick to a very simple set of rules, and realise that 'winning online poker' isn't winning every single hand, tournament and cash game you play - that's just impossible. Winning Texas Hold'em is about the long haul, being able to make a steady profit over time. Of course, if you can win an internet poker tournament and bank yourself a monster prize that's all the better!
Here are the most important poker tips to win at online poker. Every time you're looking at your cards, thinking about your next action, consider these points - you'll be winning online poker tournaments before you know it!
Card Selection- Don't be tempted to play trash cards, just fold them! If you only play premium hands you'll have a much higher success rate than if you play any old cards, the reason most players don't use this 'card selection strategy' is through boredom! If you're playing quality poker you should be throwing away most hands that you are dealt. It's really hard to win internet poker tournaments if you don't learn this very basic foundation of poker.
Tight and Aggressive- Once you've involved yourself in a hand it's time to show some strength. Don't worry if you haven't hit anything on the flop, your opponent probably hasn't either. Lead out with a bet and force the other players to make the decision. Because you've been playing so tightly with your hand selection you'll often get respect and your opponent will fold. Now we're one step closer to winning at online poker!
No Distractions - When you play poker you should only be playing poker. Distractions will lead to bad decisions, bad decisions lead to losing money! If you're serious about winning at Texas Hold'em you need to put yourself in 'the zone', a state of tranquility where only you and the poker table exist! I know it sounds cheesy but it really help with making money from poker.
Remember that to be successful at poker you need to practise, practise and practise some more! There you have it, 3 very actionable tips which have proved to be incredibly effective at UK online poker sites, and poker sites from all over the world! Stay tuned for more tips to improve your game, and increase your bankroll!


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